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Integrating Google One Tap in a Rails Application

Published: June 25, 2022
Google One Tap provides an easy and frictionless method of allowing a user to authenticate with your application.

Adding an index to a partitioned table and its children in PostgreSQL and Rails

Published: March 30, 2022
Postgres 10+ made partitioning tables much easier, however adding an index to a table with many partitions and data in them already is not straightforward if you want to avoid long table locking.

How I Upgrade Ruby on Rails

Published: December 20, 2020
Another year, another major Rails release. Rails 6.1 looks to be a solid one. Though, despite all the new features and fixes a new Rails version brings, there is always one looming problem for developers - the upgrade.
Tags: ruby, rails

Programmatically Defer Sidekiq Jobs

Published: July 31, 2020
Sidekiq will happily chug along and process any and all jobs that are in the queue. But, what if you want it to take a break for a bit?
Tags: ruby, sidekiq

Upgrading redis... not as difficult as you may think

Published: September 16, 2019
Sidekiq 6 requires redis 4 or later. Some distros don't ship with that version so an upgrade is required.
Tags: redis